Friday, May 13, 2016

View out a window

Sight Drawing: View From A Window

Different graphite pencils, 9 by 12 sketch paper

Today was going to be the first day I went out to sit somewhere and draw. When the rain stopped I went out to find somewhere to sit, but then it began raining on me again. I decided to walk to my mom's house because I knew her attic had a window I could look out. The view was not as goo as I remember because the three filled in with leaves, blocking the rooftops you can normally see. I think that this was a good start for my observation drawings. It is harder than I thought to get even such a small "window" filled with so many details. One problem I face with pencil was that me hand kept smudging out all of the detail that I would have to keep going back to fix. It's funny looking at how simple the drawing looks, for how many layers it felt like I did.


  1. Liz -this drawing has quite a unique perspective. You have achieved a sense of depth and layering. Consider that in future drawings.

  2. wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow its beautiful
