Monday, May 16, 2016

58. Draw A Flower Close Up

Micron Pen, 5 by 7 watercolor paper, 5/14/16
I love to draw flowers, and often find myself doing it often because I have so many plants in my apartment. I like how this turned out because they are such organic shapes, that you have to pay close attention to detail for it to be the actual flower you are drawing, but if you make a mistake it will probably go unnoticed. I tried to put more detail in the flower I was focusing on and leave the others ones as more of a background. I think the detail size and composition of the flowers draws the viewer in.

1 comment:

  1. Size does draw the viewer in as does the movement, weight and variety of marks.

    Check out this Artist's web site: Micheal Moore, who teaches drawing at PAFA and watch this short video drawing demo.
    Notice the variety and richness of the line quality.
