Monday, May 16, 2016

Sight Drawing 5/15/16: West Chester University Arch 

Graphite Pencils, sketch paper, 9 by 12 in, 5/15/16
I have a new found respect for those who draw architecture and scenes outside. I felt like it took me forever just to get everything played out on paper. I sat outside to draw this for about an hour and a half until I was frozen and needed to go inside. I am really enjoying trying to use a ruler and get straight lines in my drawings. I feel that is what lacked in any of my other paintings with buildings. It is easier to get straight lines drawing than with paint. By the time I had everything laid out for this, I felt like I only just began the shading. I tried to focus on adding the darkest parts because I was beginning to get very cold. I think this was a good start for sitting out and drawing. I focused on where everything in my composition lined up to, to trying to get a realistic size and layout.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good start! Keep it up. Continue to experiment with different graphic materials, composition, and marks on paper.
