Friday, June 17, 2016

Tunnel Vision

Pencil and Sharpie, 6/14/16, 9 by 12 in

I played out the entire drawing in pencil first and then went back over top with a thin sharpie. I planned on going back on Thursday but it was raining the entire time I had free. I love the view of this drawing.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

#12 Draw a Person Sitting in a Chair

Pencil, 4.5 by 4, 6/8/16
I drew a girl I work with while she sat and looked at her phone. I enjoy drawing people, but I left out her hands because I am awful ant drawing hands tiny! I like trying to get the body to look natural and realistic in the sense that everything is proportional and nothing is bending in a strang way. I realized when I was finished that I forgot to draw the chair.

# Draw Children's Toys

Pen, 4.4 by 4, 6/7/16
I drew these toys that are at my job. Mostly Mickey and the edge of a gorilla.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Sight Drawing:Everheart Park 6/2/16

Charcoal, 7 by 12, 6/2/16

I drew this gazeebo in the park I live near. I think that the shapes came out well, but I don't know why I am having so much trouble with the shading in all my drawings. I don't feel satisfied with the shading. I am starting to think the mediums I am using are not working for me. I have charcoal sticks that I am going to use for my next drawing and come back to this one because I do think it has potential with the actual drawing.

Pen, 3 by 4, 6/3/16

#25 Draw An Old Person's Face

Pen, 3 by 4, 6/2/16

I love drawing old people's faces. I once did an entire concentration on old people because I love the wrinkles in the face. I think they are beautiful and fun to draw. This is my favorite old person, the Dalai Lama.

#32. draw a bicycle

Pen, 6/1/16

In this simple bike sketch I was trying to make the front tire look closer by varying my line thickness like you talked about. I think that it had a good effect of making the back tire looking farther back. I think that it would be more successful at a more dramatic angel.